Collections: Social Sciences, Language/Linguistics
Genre: NONFICTION > Reference
Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and Its Dialects
Anne Boyle
Role: Author
An influential and significant series in Linguistic Studies
Pashto/Pushto/Pukhto is a group of varieties used by as many as 30 million people in Afghanistan and Pakistan, yet a grammar describing these varieties collectively has not been published. Anne Boyle David’s CASL Pashto grammar originates from extensive use of both primary and secondary materials. It attends to features of both spoken and written forms of Pashto and exemplifies the latter generously with naturally-occurring sentences. Detailed descriptions are provided of the phonology and orthography and of the inflectional and derivational morphology applied to all major word classes, with special attention to the complex morphology of verb formation and descriptions of the multiple pronominal systems.
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